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"Tree Desires "

magic workshop

 We all have our cherished desires and dreams. Some of them remain dreams, and some are realized ... Have you ever wondered why? What does the fulfillment of desire depend on?


  About 25  years ago, I felt on myself how it happens when suddenly a desire is fulfilled!

I was at one of the esoteric seminars in the Crimea and we did a certain practice in a certain place of Power. Interaction with places of Power enhances its own energy potential. We were offered a clear algorithm of actions. At that time I was just beginning my Path and did not realize many things and did not understand why this or that was happening. My wish came true two months later ... Another thing is that having received what I wanted, for a long 10 years I did not know what to do with it, and my development in other directions simply stopped ...


   In 2009, having moved to Crimea, I myself began to conduct seminars in places of Power and the technique of fulfilling desires was also the subject of my study.


Currently, there is a lot of information and practices on technologies for fulfilling desires, various algorithms are proposed, various authors offer their own technologies ... I consider it necessary, first of all, to focus on certain rules or ethics in this matter. Before using this or that technology, it is necessary to clearly understand that such technology is  magical action, but here you need to be extremely careful!


  Aleister Crowley gave a classic definition of magic in his work "Magic in theory and practice": 

Magic is the Science and Art of making changes in accordance with one's own Will. 

Such a definition can be misleading in its simplicity. The key word here, of course, is Will. According to Crowley, any volitional action has a "magical nature": brushing your teeth, reading a book, walking the dog. On the contrary, any unconscious mechanical action (for example, automatically lighting a cigarette) is devoid of a magical nature. So we are all "magicians" in a sense, but few are able to understand this and derive any benefit for themselves. Indeed, by "true Will" Crowley did not mean at all what a person wants most of all at the moment. "Learn to desire," wrote Eliphas Levi (whom Crowley considered one of his previous incarnations), "How can one learn to desire? This is the first secret of magical initiation."

  True desire is a part of the Divine that is present in the soul of every person. And it was in this sense that Levi (and after him Crowley) believed that "man is an imperfect God." "The operator of the Great Deed must be an absolute master over himself ... His life must be a life of desire directed by one thought," Eliphas Levi believed. (


  Studying the Tarot Thoth and Kabbalah, in particular its universal symbol, the Tree of Life, at some point it dawned on me: the Tree of Life -  the universal principle of everything in the Universe, which means that any technology, for example, the technology of fulfilling desires, must work on the basis of this symbol! There was no doubt that this was the case! It remains only to understand - how exactly it all works!  After a while, the answer came and the technology was clearly superimposed on the symbol of the Tree of Life.


  Mine  project  I called the "Wishing Tree Magic Workshop" (created at the Autumn Equinox of 2013). This project  is designed both for those who already work with Tarot, while the choice of deck is unlimited, and for those who are not familiar with Tarot.


The workshop is divided into four parts.

1.Magic ethics. Formulating desire and testing it for environmental friendliness.

2. Formation of the Desire Tree.

3.Tarodiagnostics and branch correction.

4. The ritual for the fulfillment of wishes.


  • individually  - $ 150;

  • paired - $ 215;

  • group (up to 5 participants) - $ 325

  • group (maximum 10 participants) - $ 430


Format  - in person or remotely.

Duration of the meeting  2-4  hours.  


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