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Consulting on Tarot Tota
Regressive therapy 

 I call my practice -  Tarot counseling.  I do not guess, but I advise! 

I understand very clearly the difference between these concepts.

The fortune teller can very clearly see and tell you about what happened to you in the past and the main events of your life in the present. She can highlight important facts in your biography and describe people who are important to you. In this case, you are assigned the passive role of listener and observer. You get a certain time slice of events and a statement of facts. But you will not be offered the reasons for these events and ways out of difficult situations.


When consulting, there is not a monologue, but a dialogue and both sides of the process are actively involved in it. The querent (questioner) formulates the question as clearly and specifically as possible and, through a tarot reader who reads the cards, receives information and comments on his situation. The querent is actively modeling different options for solving his question, and the tarot reader reads the possible result in each of the options. But the final decision on the choice of option and method of action belongs to the questioner himself.  


   The clearer the channel, the clearer the incoming information. Therefore, it is very important to carefully choose a consultant - tarot reader, to whom you turn for help. After all, if the counselor himself does not know how to work with energy and information,  distorts it with your own attitudes and problems, the weaker your hope of getting closer to the truth. During the session, the questioner and the consultant, as it were,  unite their energy fields and this makes it possible to interact with the energy-information flow as efficiently as possible. After the session, the consultant is energetically disconnected from the querent and after receiving payment, the energy channel is closed. This is a basic safety technique for both sides. If the channel is not closed, then both sides may suffer. The easiest thing is health problems ...


   With the help of Tarot, you can get answers to any question that matters to you. The main thing is that you ask it sincerely and really need help and advice. You should not turn to Tarot if you have already decided everything for yourself or just out of curiosity. Also, do not ask about other people if they did not give you their consent.


   There is no such topic in the past, present and future that cannot be revealed with the help of the Tarot!


  • What to do in a given situation?

  • What is the most effective way to resolve work-related problems?

  • How will the relationship with a specific person develop?

  • What are the reasons for the conflict and how to get out of it with the least losses?

  • Why, in general, did a person appear in life or a situation arose?

  • What prevents you from developing as a person?

  • What choices should you make and when is the best time to start a new business?

  • And many many others...


The range of questions to ask is endless. It is very important to formulate your question correctly.


At the beginning of each consultation, I compose  psychological and karmic portraits  querent.


This makes it possible to analyze:


  • different stages of the questioner's life and the sphere of the most effective application of forces at each stage;

  • reasons for failure and direction of movement towards success;

  • talents and abilities;

  • predisposition to engage in certain activities;

  • the purpose of a person in this life;

  • previous incarnation, its lessons and influence on the present;

  • karmic debts and ways to work them off.


  Having compiled psychological portraits of partners, you can analyze them  compatibility  with each other, strengths and weaknesses of the union, give recommendations.  


   I am always very pleased and inspired by people who study themselves, their abilities and capabilities, look for cause-and-effect relationships, have courage and are ready to change, try to find their True Path and Purpose. I really want to help them in this!


   The most productive work takes place in the presence of the querent, because during the session I combine a variety of diagnostic and counseling methods (you can read more about me  here). But, if you do not have the opportunity to personally attend the consultation, you can get an answer to your questions without leaving your home.

 What is regressive therapy?

Regression  (from  latin  regressio  come back) -  process in  as a result of which the person returns to  previously passed stages, states, forms and  ways of functioning through different methods.  This type of therapy is based on  principles of reincarnation, on  the fact that the current psychological, physical and  material condition of a person  related to his past  vital  actions.  Negative actions of past lives force you to work off negative karma, presenting in  this life has different lessons. But  sometimes these lessons are very difficult, and  man not  able to pass them. This causes u  he also has various phobias, fears, depression. It can also be difficult to understand which lesson a person is forced to take, and  because he  repeats again and  again. This negatively affects  human health, his emotional state.

Method  regressive therapy  helps  to experience negative moments, to go through the unfinished lessons with  past lives. The result of this method is getting rid of  fears, complexes, many problems, gaining confidence in  yourself, improving your relationship with  others, getting rid of  drug addiction (including alcohol and  tobacco), curing a number of diseases (cancer, asthma and  others), understand in  what is the meaning of life, determine your goal in  this life and  much more.


How is healing done?

“You don't have to believe in reincarnation to take advantage of regressive therapy, it can help you regardless of your beliefs.

Healing occurs when the images that arise change our lives.  If images,  floating up to the surface are just symbols of the subconscious, you should take a closer look at them. It is a manifestation of our inner self that can enrich life.  Reincarnation therapy often provides answers to questions that traditional medicine and traditional psychoanalysts fail to answer.

There are many reasons for creating problems in our life, and it would be too easy to blame all the blame on the mistakes of past lives.  However, reincarnation therapy has more than once proved to be a powerful tool in cases where a simple analysis of life events was not enough. You can only come to the realization of your own mission in this life through understanding your past lives.  Life is not a one-off experiment or a series of meaningless experiences.  Exploring past lives will facilitate our process of becoming conscious loving beings, gradually realizing their own potential.

How exactly can we achieve the healing effect using regressions?  True healing occurs only when we treat the causes of the disease, not the symptoms.  Many of our phobias, fears and complexes come from distant  of the past. For example, if you cannot stand tight collars, ties  or neck scarves, you may find that in the past  life you have been strangled. By learning and reliving the past, you can change  their current behavior.

We usually do not get tired of creating situations that resemble  us about what once really happened, and thus  trying to heal from pain.  If emotions such as fear, rage, or  the grief caused by the tragic incidents of a past life was  suppressed, then they continue to remain in our field and form  internal conflicts in all our subsequent lives.  We drive these unpleasant feelings into the depths of the psyche, creating a barrier between  yourself and your fears. When experiencing dramatic conflicts  from past lives we enable suppressed emotions  rise to the surface and thus free ourselves from them.

It is also important to understand that not all past life trauma  creates problems in our real life.  Only  suppressed  v  past life emotions have power over our present. Difficulties  today arise not as a result of past experience, but as a result  of our  reactions  on this experience.


If you have any problems (psychological, personal, event-related) that bother you a lot, and you have not been able to find a solution (explanation) for them using standard methods for a long time, then in this case, past life regression can be justified, since With the help of this regression technology, it is possible to identify the cause-and-effect relationships of any problem and instead of working with the consequences of this problem in the present incarnation, try to eliminate the true cause in one of the previous incarnations by rewriting the selected “problem” frames on the film of the distant past.

And only such motivation for access to past lives can be approved by the Heavenly Office! And in this case, the Higher Forces themselves will be the guarantor of your safety and support service behind these large doors to the distant past.

If you strive to recall a past life out of simple curiosity, or you think that regression in past lives will make you stronger, more spiritual and more powerful, then with such motivation it is better not to stir up your past!



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